Very few people have an easy time with their finances. Every once in a while, these lucky few will fall just short on their mortgage payment, or they’ll forget to deliver the electricity bill on time. However, sometimes people experience especially dire financial circumstances, and they need to deal with the IRS or file for bankruptcy.
When this happens, you may feel overwhelmed as you look at all the legal jargon. You probably didn’t study tax or bankruptcy law, so you find yourself completely lost. Luckily, you can turn to Wiesner & Frackowiak, LC for help from a tax attorney near Leawood, KS.
The attorneys at Wiesner & Frackowiak, LC understand that you need a sympathetic listener and a dedicated guide in this trying time. We want to alleviate your stress and get you back on the road to financial recovery.
Get the Help You Deserve
We’ve helped clients in a variety of financial situations for the last 22 years, so you can depend on us to help you too. We can assist you in a number of capacities, including:
No matter what kind of help you need, our attorneys will make sure you find your way back to financial recovery.
Schedule Your Free Consultation
We offer quick results from dedicated, passionate professionals. To learn more or schedule your free consultation, please call 913.642.2240 or 816.285.4748 today.