Use Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to Stop Foreclosure
Foreclosure sale results in loss of your home. Our attorneys in the Kansas City area use Chapter 13 (and Chapter 11) to block foreclosures. This requires that you enter into a payment plan with the bankruptcy trustee. Included in your payments to the trustee will be the ongoing mortgage payments as well as the missed payments. As long as you make payments to the trustee, the foreclosure will not be allowed to proceed. You must file bankruptcy before your property is sold.
Remove Second Mortgage
Bankruptcy law allows some to strip the second mortgage off their home. Houses that are worth less than the amount owed on the first mortgage are eligible property. Our firm uses Chapter 13 and Chapter 11 to obtain a court ruling that forces the lender to release the second mortgage when the bankruptcy is complete.
Loan Modification
Our firm has budgeting expertise and years of experience with the federal Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). We provide loan modification assistance before, during, or after bankruptcy. We have successfully negotiated with many lenders to lower our clients’ house payments, interest rates, and forgiveness of missed payments. Call us to talk about lowering your house payment.
Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure
Our firm will negotiate with lenders to take back an unaffordable house. When this happens, you can avoid the trauma of foreclosure. This alternative is invaluable for keeping open quality mortgage options for future home purchases.
Contact our foreclosure attorneys in Missouri and Kansas to discuss your foreclosure options today.